ESG Actions

Social Actions

We, in Ourofino Agrociência, believe that the best way to build a legacy and promote social and environmental development is through actions that are aligned to the needs of the communities where we operate.

Our incentive and sponsorship programs are directed to impact the areas that our business influences, therefore, mainly around the cities of Ribeirão Preto (SP) and Uberaba (MG), where our administrative headquarters and the industrial complex of the company are located.

We make the difference in solidarity and volunteer actions, emphasizing our Easter and Winter wear campaigns, food and toys donation campaigns and Projete, a social and educational program which qualifies teenagers from public High Schools free of charges in diverse social and emotional competencies demanded by the job market.


  • Cia. Minaz
  • Orquestra Sinfônica de Ribeirão Preto
  • Hemocentro de Ribeirão Preto
  • Hospital do Câncer de Barretos
  • ADEVIRP (Associação dos Deficientes Visuais de Ribeirão Preto)
  • Museu da Cana
  • Projeto Fundação Cultural Suábio Brasileira
  • Anjos da Rua
  • Lar Padre Euclides
  • Casa do Vovô
  • Fundo Filantrópico de Combate à Covid-19
  • APAE (Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais)
  • Associação de Equoterapia Vassoural


Environmental Actions

We associate ourselves with sectorial institutions and are involved in voluntary initiatives that allow us to advance in the management of more responsible processes, which anticipate trends and expand the Company’s zone of influence.